Campus Hiring
Suparnix positions itself as a provider of economical and scalable solutions, offering adaptable delivery models customized to meet the specific goals and organizational preferences of its clients. The company aims to provide clients with the desired level of control and the necessary expertise to ensure business agility and successful project implementation. Suparnix takes pride in its leadership role in developing and delivering inventive workforce solutions and services, enabling clients to excel in the dynamic landscape of the modern workplace.​Our Campus Readiness Program Suparnix is dedicated to addressing and aligning with the fresh talent and campus recruitment requirements of the corporate sector. Through its program, Suparnix aims to assist young talents in acclimating to the corporate environment and enhancing their employability skills. This endeavor is geared towards creating an extensive pool of skilled individuals, benefitting both the nation and the corporate landscape in India.
While other IT giants are also hiring, Suparnix attracts talent through:​
Detailed interview process that communicates company culture and benefits to the interviewee
Evaluating potential and trainability rather than past experience to ensure we hire those that are passionate, fit culturally with your company, and have a deep knowledge of their field
Offering informal professional development classes to ensure highly effective entry-level recruitment methods
- Employee Benefits of Graduate Hiring through Suparnix
Full time permanent employment
Competitive Salary range
Increased Employability
Effective evaluation system
Training opportunities
Option of Payroll Conversion
Better branding
Suparnix also provides excellent training opportunities for its employees to take control of their career.
Our Training and Development Center provides:
Access to an extensive range of online courses covering computer, business, leadership, and technical skills sought after in today’s market.
A convenient way for anyone to update and increase their skills online – 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
Free training and development for all Suparnix associates, consultants, and employees.
- At Suparnix, we ensure low attrition rates by offering:
Flexible work arrangements to motivate the young workforce
Technical Certification sponsored by Suparnix on completion of 6 months of service
Brand visibility on tier 1 and tier 2 companies
Committed period of deployment with Client for 18 months and above
Hefty Retention Bonus on completion of 1 year of service
Awards & Recognition based on performance